My Own FaceTime Boudoir Session | Jenn Terrell Photography

I have been testing the waters and doing FaceTime (Virtual) sessions for a week now. It has been so fun and such a learning experience! I saw a photographer post in a Facebook group asking if anyone could model for her so she could test out these kinds of sessions herself. I thought this would be a great way to see what these kind of sessions are like from the client’s perspective.

It was such an eye opening experience! It was really fun! I spent the morning straightening up my space and getting dressed up. Admittedly, during this pandemic I have spent much of my time on the couch in pajamas working from my lap top. So it was nice to have something to get dressed for (well undressed as it was boudoir but you get my drift haha). It was a welcome distraction from the pandemic to try on different looks, get all of my make up back out and then spend some time making art with another photographer (Cassandra of Inspired Studios Photography) She took some great shots and then after I finished with her I took some of my own too. :) My boyfriend also took a couple. Overall it was a great experience! I will share both Cassandra’s photographs and mine plus my boyfriend’s at the bottom too.

Cassandra’s Virtual Photographs >>>>

My photographs with a couple by my boyfriend ❤️ >>>