55: Emily Nance | Talented Arkansas Musician | Jenn Terrell Photography

Uplift Blog Series: I wanted to help be a part of online positivity in the wake of the coronavirus and social distancing measures. I have had the honor of working with some amazing people who have such interesting and uplifting stories. ❤️I think now is the perfect time to share some of those. Education is also great to share during times like these so there will be educational posts occasionally. At first, I was going to put everything into one post but I think each person and topic deserves their own post and it will give me something to look forward to sharing with the world each day.

DAY 55

I got to hang out with my crazy talented sister-in-law this evening. She found this 1970s dress that was her mom’s from yearrrrs ago. It was perfect for a quick sunset shoot. These photos are a preview of our evening. Emily knocked it out of the park! I am so excited to edit the rest :) Here are a couple for now. Check out Emily’s music at www.emilynance.com.
