Uplifting Photographs in the Wake of the Corona Virus, Day 5 | Jenn Terrell Photography

Uplift Blog Series: I wanted to help be a part of online positivity in the wake of the coronavirus and social distancing measures. I have had the honor of working with some amazing people who have such interesting and uplifting stories. ❤️I think now is the perfect time to share some of those. At first, I was going to put them all into one post but I think they are each so strong they deserve their own post and it will give me something to look forward to sharing with the world each day.


Laverne Cox came to Fayetteville, Arkansas to speak at the University there in October 2018. The event was called “Ain’t I a Woman” after the famous speech by Sojourner Truth. Laverne spoke about her life and what it was like growing up transgender. She talked about so many struggles and extra burdens she faced. There was a young transgender girl sitting across from me. She was maybe seven or eight years old. She was her holding her mom’s hand really tightly throughout the speech. Towards the end, Laverne begged of the audience to not give up on the fight to be yourself. The little girl nodded with tears falling down her cheeks. Her mom wiped them away and they hugged. It was such a beautiful moment. Arkansas so, so needed that speech. So many people in the audience got to feel less alone and understood. It was such a delight to witness that evening and to be able take photographs there.

National Geographic ended up publishing the first photo in an online article. For some reason the article doesn’t exist anymore. :( Click Magazine also published the same photo in their Voice photos of the year for 2019 for the “Her” category.

