My mom is the biggest sweetheart. She raised me with love and acceptance. I knew that whatever I chose to do or be in life she would support that. She has just really always wanted to best for me and my siblings. Our dad died when we were pretty young and she suddenly had to raise three kids alone. She did the very best that she could. Things were not easy. We had to grow up pretty fast and she had to face a harsh new reality alone. I can’t imagine what she went through. Through all of it she made sure we knew she loved us. Now, she is so proud of each of us.
Read MoreMorgan and John are always amazing to be around! ❤️The chemistry and love they have together is a beautiful thing to witness. ❤️❤️❤️We did Morgan’s maternity photos a couple of years ago and it is still one that I love to look back on.
Greenhouse photos are some of my favorites! They really provide a lot of advantages to clients. There are great colors, a huge variety of plants and flowers and there is usually a greenhouse cat. You will see an example of one when you scroll down a bit. Nurseries like this one usually have a few different greenhouses with various plants in each. There are also some gorgeous plants outside as well. For sessions like these I like to move all throughout the property and get photos in each area.
Read MoreNatasa has become such a close friend of mine in a really short time. We have chatted about how amazing women can be as forms of support for each other. She is the definition of this. We have had cocktails and great conversations on many occasions. This is one of the pre-pandemic things I miss the most. We have went on long walks up and down Miami Beach. And now we have done a few photo sessions together. When I first started considering doing virtual sessions I immediately messaged her and asked if she would test model for my first one. She knocked it out of the park! She had an amazing outfit and energy throughout the virtual facetime session. She even happened to have a rose handy as a prop. Check out that session here.
Read MoreWhen she showed up for the session, she was wearing the PERFECT dress! The dress was purple and flowy and it just looked gorgeous on her! We walked around the greenhouse chatting, laughing and dancing. I had such a great time with her! The greenhouse was perfect too! So many varieties of flowers and plants. Each time we moved to a different area it looked like we were in an entirely different location. I will say, if you plan to check out Matkins Greenhouse make sure you have plenty of extra cash to spend because it will be hard to leave without any of their gorgeous plants and flowers.
Read MoreEvery once in a while I will feel the need for something different. The need for something inspiring. I think most artists go through phases like this. This feeling is what sparks growth. It is yourself telling you, you need something different because you need to grow. You need to experiment. You need to try new things pertaining to your field. And Picasso himself said,” Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.”
Read MoreThis is my friend, John. He is another fixture of South Beach. Every time I see him when I am walking to get groceries, he always says “Oh hi, auntie! It is so good to see you, auntie,” with a big smile. During normal times, you can catch him sipping some Cuban coffee or walking around South Beach.
Read MoreThe internet is a weird but sometimes awesome thing. On my very first trip to Miami Beach in December 2018, I really wanted to do a photoshoot while I was there visiting. I scoured instagram looking for someone in Miami/Miami Beach who might model for me. I have used instagram to find subjects for a variety of things for magazines, model calls, etc. It is a super useful way to connect. I came across the instagram of a young woman who was studying marine biology.
Read MoreI am most definitely an extrovert and the world just feels strange right now. I go through weird bouts of feeling fine and then being panicked the next minute. I am sure many of you can relate. Strange times for sure. I know how important it is to stay home and I am very serious about doing that. Here are 10 things that have helped me get through this time of uncertainty even as an extroverted artist.
Read MoreThis photo was taken of my nephew, Jamie, a few years ago. He was running around in his yard and I asked him to stop for one second so I could take his photo. He ran up to me stopped for literally one second, I snapped the photograph and then he ran off again. Looking back I am so thankful that I got this photograph. It is him in his element with a chocolate smeared face. A perfect little flare came into my lens as I took the photo too. Everything just came together in one amazing moment. 💕
Read MoreIf need an idea for something fun to do during this time of social isolation, check out these adorable photos from a few years back when Misty let me into her home to photograph her sweet family making Christmas cookies together. ❤️😍If you want to book an in-home session or cookie session for after this pandemic ends send me an email at I am will be pricing them at half off so we both have something fun to look forward to after this pandemic ends. One hour sessions are $175 after the discount 🥰
Read MoreThis was Dominique’s first professional photoshoot. I had a beautiful dress I brought for her to wear for the shoot. At first she was apprehensive because she had never worn a dress like that so we started with her in a t-shirt and leggings. I included those photos first. Then after photographing for a bit, she warmed up a bit and decided she was ready to try the dress. As soon as she walked out me and my team all teared up.
Read MoreUplift Blog Series: I wanted to help be a part of online positivity in the wake of the coronavirus and social distancing measures. I have had the honor of working with some amazing people who have such interesting and uplifting stories. ❤️I think now is the perfect time to share some of those. At first, I was going to put them all into one post but I think they are each so strong they deserve their own post and it will give me something to look forward to sharing with the world each day.
Read MoreUplift Blog Series: I wanted to help be a part of online positivity in the wake of the coronavirus and social distancing measures.
Laverne Cox came to Fayetteville, Arkansas to speak at the University there in October 2018. The event was called “Ain’t I a Woman” after the famous speech by Sojourner Truth. Laverne spoke about her life and what it was like growing up transgender. She talked about so many struggles and extra burdens she faced.
Read MoreI have zillions of old files on a number of hard drives dating back to circa 2009 when I got my first DSLR camera. I was shooting film before that. I used to photograph every. living. thing. haha My camera stayed in my purse and I photographed anything new or remotely interesting.
I wanted to finally put those files to some use and to look back and see the things I thought would make an interesting photo back when I had my little t2i canon rebel. I used that camera for seven years until the parts starting falling off of it. So I have decided to start posting roughly once a week here on my blog. I will re-edit or edit ( some of them were never edited and never saw the internet) in my current editing style that I have nailed down after many years. So this marks my very first throwback Thursday on the blog 😎
Read MoreI wanted to let you all know ASAP that I have limited portrait session bookings for Arkansas for January and February but I am opening up three days for portrait sessions. 🎉Snatch’em up while you can because once they are gone, they are gone! I have set aside the rest of my time in Arkansas to spend with my sweet nephews & niece and we have A LOT of cupcakes to decorate together 😁The dates I have open are listed below. Email me at
Read MoreRooftops, puppies and romance = my favorite :)
Read MoreToday, I messaged Denise so she could see her edited gallery and she gave me some very unfortunate news.
Read MoreI had a dream a few months ago that I was taking photographs of my father. My father passed when I was 12, long before I had my very first camera. In my dream I couldn't believe I had never thought to take photos of him before. I remember the lens I wanted to use in my dream. I carefully attached it to my camera and led him to his favorite spot on the couch by the huge window I used to look out of when I was very impatiently awaiting the arrival of my mom on her way home from work.
Read MoreI had been meaning to get over to Tanyard Creek to check it out as a possible location to do sessions so when Lydia suggested it for her engagement session I happily agreed.
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