Posts tagged miami beach
45: A Creative Session with Bianca, Lioness of South Beach | Miami Beach, Florida

Bianca! This woman is going to be hella famous one day. I am absolutely sure of it! She has already done some big things too. She was featured in a Third Love commercial and she absolutely killed it singing and acting in The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover. Her voice gives me the chills when she hits some of those notes. She is crazy talented and just a lovely person. We did this session back in early February and I was hyped up throughout the entire session. We were working together to create so awesome shots that just felt really natural. I can’t wait to see what she does when the world resumes. ❤️❤️❤️

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44: Lily: Actor, Dancer, Director, Artist & All-Empowering Being | Miami Beach, Florida

Lily. Just wow. Lily is a multi-talented artist. Watching her act and direct for The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover at Faena in Miami Beach, Florida was truly unforgettable. She sang, she dance, she led, she inspired! ❤️See more of her work on her website.

I am so grateful that I got to see this production so many times and witness the greatness of that cast. Every single person on that cast was so talented! Truly, I loved watching them all. They all impressed me so much from day one.

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Uplifting Photos in the Wake of the Corona Virus, Day 22 | Jenn Terrell Photography

The internet is a weird but sometimes awesome thing. On my very first trip to Miami Beach in December 2018, I really wanted to do a photoshoot while I was there visiting. I scoured instagram looking for someone in Miami/Miami Beach who might model for me. I have used instagram to find subjects for a variety of things for magazines, model calls, etc. It is a super useful way to connect. I came across the instagram of a young woman who was studying marine biology.

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A warm and cuddly fall family session | Jenn Terrell | Miami Beach Photographer

Jack, the adorable toddler in the red shirt below, had his 6th birthday yesterday 🙌💖 His birthday party falls on my birthday this year so I thought I would post a blog about his family session today. 😊 I wish the entire family could all come to Miami Beach so we could celebrate together but this year I will have to settle for facetime as they all live a few states away.

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A nature-filled fall session with the best | Jenn Terrell | South Florida Photographer

I always enjoy spending time with her especially when I am in my element and photographing such a phenomenal person.

Doc, come visit me in Miami Beach ASAP please! :)

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