Uplifting Photos in the Wake of the Corona Virus, Day 13 | Jenn Terrell Photography

Uplift Blog Series: I wanted to help be a part of online positivity in the wake of the coronavirus and social distancing measures. I have had the honor of working with some amazing people who have such interesting and uplifting stories. ❤️I think now is the perfect time to share some of those. At first, I was going to put them all into one post but I think they are each so strong they deserve their own post and it will give me something to look forward to sharing with the world each day.

DAY 13

Kids are some of my favorite subjects. ❤️I love how silly they are. ☺️ I am super goofy so I love being around them. I have two nephews and a niece that I have been photographing since they were born. I absolutely adore spending time with them and photographing them. My nephews are both very in to taking photos now as well and I am so happy that they share that passion. I am sure during this time of social isolation I will be posting many photos of them but I wanted to share my favorite photo first.

This photo was taken of my nephew, Jamie, a few years ago. He was running around in his yard and I asked him to stop for one second so I could take his photo. He ran up to me stopped for literally one second, I snapped the photograph and then he ran off again. Looking back I am so thankful that I got this photograph. It is him in his element with a chocolate smeared face. A perfect little flare came into my lens as I took the photo too. Everything just came together in one amazing moment. 💕
