Day 42: Photos in Paradise | Hawaii Wedding Photographer
Uplift Blog Series: I wanted to help be a part of online positivity in the wake of the coronavirus and social distancing measures. I have had the honor of working with some amazing people who have such interesting and uplifting stories. ❤️I think now is the perfect time to share some of those. Education is also great to share during times like these so there will be educational posts occasionally. At first, I was going to put everything into one post but I think each person and topic deserves their own post and it will give me something to look forward to sharing with the world each day.
DAY 42
A few summers ago, I lived in Wahiawa, Hawaii for a few months. ❤️While I was there I did a photo-a-day photo challenge. Most of the photos below are from that challenge plus a couple extras just for fun. 😃
The photo challenge day’s them was “In the Clouds.” I love always try to insert a person into my photos if I can even if it ends up being me :)
This was taken at a gorgeous sunflower field a few hours away from where I lived. Not part of the challenge.
More of the gorgeous sunflower field. The mountains in Hawaii are so tall and narrow. It creates such an interesting atmosphere.
This is part of a coffee plant that was on a coffee farm next to the coffee shop I worked at called Green World Farms.
The theme of the photo challenge for this day was self-portrait.